Super Rent is a Level 2 B-BBEE company
Super Rent has a Broad-Based BEE Status of Level 2 and a BEE Procurement Recognition Level of 125%.
Super Group Holdings (Pty) Ltd (including Subsidiaries as per Annexure A on the B-BBEE certificate) has a current overall Broad-Based BEE Status of Level 2 in terms of the Generic scorecard, and a BEE Procurement Recognition Level of 125%. Super Group has embraced the concept of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) and as such developed a corporate policy framework that incorporates all of its interventions.
BEE Awards & Recognition

Top 100 Most BEE Empowered Companies on the JSE

Top Empowerment Companies

Oliver Top Empowerment Award
“We believe that B-BBEE is a key requirement for the promotion of sustainable economic growth and social development in South Africa. The rationale for implementing our B-BBEE Scheme is for the B-BBEE employees to benefit from the growth and performance of the South African operations.”
– Peter Mountford, Super Group CEO